Friday, 24 July 2015

We must be the change we wish to see in the world

 21 fantastic people from three countries come to Warsaw for the project "Various shades of Solidarity". Polish, Ukrainian and Izraeli students with their coordinators have already become friends on the first day. Everyone is different, but we are solid group of people who want to achieve the goal durring that exchange.
We come up with our own definition of solidarity.
For us Solidarity is to be a group of various but united people working together with understanding, reaspect and peace, giving something from themselves to each other.

Game with the faces

It sounds interesting, but we did start with the game. Game with the faces. The person who was on my right drow me with closed eyes using right hand. The person who was on my left did the same but using left hand. All people did the same. Then everybody had their own pictures made by "unknown" people. Using this pic we presented overselves. We made the faniest story ever.

We have so different people. Let's read about us:- dog lovers; - player of tennis; - teachers; - volunteers; - mathematic lovers; - people deeply interested in reading; - player of basketball, - fighting man ; - singers ( i love to sing but my friends do not :D ) itc.

WE are so different, but we are the family. I feel it.
We have a goal and we will achieve it.

Thursday, 9 July 2015

Ladies and gentlemen, could I have your attention, please.

I would like to let you know, that we have started the project.

On Sunday, the 5th of September we had a preparatory visit. The representatives of all country-groups with their coordinators came to Warsaw and discussed the main topic of the project.

The main aim of the meeting was to establish the schedule. We needed 2 days to take into account every trifle. The conversation was pretty nice. The discussion was like between old friends, who know each other for whole life. No one was scared to say that something is needed to be changed.

I am sure we will make a very good forum of thoughts.

                                                                          Nastka :)                                                                              

Wednesday, 8 July 2015

„Various shades of solidarity” is a project of Polish-Ukrainian-Israeli exchange on solidarity understood as citizen’s community of action. University students from Poland, Ukraine and Israel will meet for 10 days in Poland to share experiences of their countries on civic cooperation. Polish “Solidarity” movement and political changes in 1989, Ukrainian EuroMaidan and Israeli kibbutz movement will be used as case studies which teach solidarity. Participants will explore cultural and social context of the historical events and will reflect on the potential which lies in solidarity.

As an effect of the exchange the group will organize a debate in English on solidarity in the Centre for Thought of John Paul II on Thursday, 30th of July, at 6 pm which will be also later available on-line and create a booklet with participants’ remarks on civic cooperation.

Monday, 6 July 2015


The History of Impuls:1995-1996- training of professionals from Skole District in different enterprises and organizations, Rehen, Bavaria (Germany)
1997 – Office opening in Skole
1998 – opening of small bakery “Smak" for education and production 1999-2002. Opening of computer centers in Skole, smt.V.Synovydnye, Lviv, Brody 2005 - visit of representatives of government, business and educational institutions of Skole District to Rehen, Bavaria (Germany) 2006 - 2007 - studing tour for representatives of Rehen, 
Bavaria to Skole district. 2008-2009 – beginning of revival courses of folk craft and cultural traditions of Boiky culture; 2008-2009 -preparation and implementation of educational and social projects connected with the social partnership..
Aim of the Project:Promoting of education for adults by creating effective regional structures and involving them into the process of developing and implementing innovative educational programs taking into account trends of forming the local labor market and equal opportunities all social segments to quality education and lifelong learning.


SparkPro is an Israeli social-business organization on international scale, working to create social educational networks between groups of young people all over the world, by initiation, planning, development and support of international social-educational projects.  Unlike the world of virtual social networks, in SparkPro world, the concepts “Like” and “Share” are not only Icons, but are also powerful tools for creating multi-cultural dialog in seminars, symposiums, tours and unmediated encounters between quality young people from all over the world.
SparkPro seminars are held all over the world and are a platform that enables participants the opportunity for exposure and meeting people from distant countries, foreign cultures and other sectors, which share similar background, the same interests and common future. During the seminars, participants shatter myths and prejudices, exchange opinions, analyze conflicts and carry out productive discussions that contribute to creating new communication channels and real social change. The close social and educational relations created in SparkPro seminars empower and encourage the participants to fill key roles in their home country and guide them through the years, in a variety of international collaborations in the fields of business, public service, ideology and tourism.

Centre for Thought of John Paul II

The Centre for Thought of John Paul II was established to investigate, document and disseminate John Paul II’s teaching in innovative ways.
The Centre is in charge of scholarships of the City of Warsaw named after Pope John Paul II. In addition, it offers an extensive scholarship program aimed at young people, which gives the opportunity to participate in various projects and competitions.
The institution realizes a number of cultural projects, including the international festival of theatre and music called (“Bitter Regrets”), concerts, street performances, happenings, urban games, competitions, exhibitions and events for Warsaw’s citizens. In addition, organizes discussions, workshops, film screenings, meetings with people from the world of culture and art, travellers, journalists and people who have risen from life tragedies. The Centre also runs the Internet TV Foksal Eleven and gives home to a choir, which has made numerous performances with leading soloists and orchestras.
In 2013, we established the Institute for Scientific Research, which has to be a showcase centre in a foreign environment. With its help  the Center implements analytical projects, such as nationwide sociological researches, organize international scientific conferences and summer schools, seminars, discussions and open debates.

Sunday, 5 July 2015

Polish-Ukrainian-Israeli exchange "Various Shades of Solidarity" will take place in Warsaw from 21th to 31th of July. The group of participants will contain 18 students from three countries -  connected with Polish Center for Thought of John Paul II, Ukrainians non-governmental organization Impuls and Israeli organization SparkPro.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.